2017 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, QUIC badge, and Buckeye Badges Member badge updates

Denman 2017 BadgeEarning the 2017 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum badge indicates a student has successfully submitted a research abstract and been selected by the Denman Faculty Committee through juried review to participate in the Research Forum on March 30, 2017. in 2017 677 badges awarded






Fisher College of Business QUIC badgeContinuing  through the Summer of 2017, the Fisher College of Business Career Center awarded the QUIC badge - Qualified Undergraduate Interview Candidate to all students who successfully completed their QUIC certification. So far 2,071 badges have been awarded





Buckeye member Badge The Buckeye Badges Member badge signifies that a student, staff or faculty member of Ohio State University has activated their account by logging in to the Backpack. This badge recognizes those who engage with the Ohio State University Buckeye Badges program and explore its potential for sharing evidence of their achievements. A total of 851 badges have been awarded.